Sonntag, 18. Januar 2009

OWOH Give-Away

One World-One Heart is an international blogging event that is running for the third year now. It is hosted by Lisa Oceandreamer and is a world wide giveaway with a chance to meet and visit blogs from all over the world.

Of course I am participating again. I had so much fun last year :-)

I am giving away three different items to three winners.

1. Two placemats made of rust dyed cotton.

2. A house shaped measuring tape. You can measure in inch or centimeters.

3. Two souvenir thimbles made of porcelain. One that I recently brought from Egypt and the other one from Meersburg at Lake Constance in Germany showing Meersburg Castle.
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post to enter my giveaway. The only condition is you must have a blog. OWOH runs from January 19 to February 11.

On February 12th I will be randomly drawing three names from the comments left on this post.

Be sure to click on the One World -One Heart logo at the top of this post or on the side bar of my blog to connect to the One World - One Heart blog and travel the gypsy caravan of talented and generous bloggers from all over the world offering fabulous giveaways.

Ich mache auch dieses Jahr wieder beim weltweiten Blogging Event "One World - One Heart" mit, das Lisa Oceandreamer ins Leben gerufen hat und nun schon zum dritten Mal stattfindet.

Ich verlose drei verschiedene Preise an drei Gewinner.

1. Zwei rostgefärbte Tischsets aus Baumwolle
2. Ein Roll-Bandmaß in Hausform. Es hat sowohl eine Inch- als auch eine Zentimeter-Skala.
3. Zwei Porzellan-Fingerhüte. Einen, den ich aus Ägypten mitgebracht habe und einen aus Meersburg am Bodensee.

Ihr braucht nur einen Kommentar zu diesem Post hinterlassen und sicherstellen, dass ich euch im Gewinnfall erreichen kann. Einzige Bedingung: Ihr solltet selbst einen Blog haben. Am 12. Februar werde ich dann per Zufallsgenerator drei Namen ziehen.

Schaut auch mal, welche Blogger aus aller Welt noch mitmachen und tolle Dinge zu verlosen haben, indem ihr auf den Button in diesem Post oder in meiner Sidebar klickt! Letztes Jahr waren es über 400 Teilnehmer!!!!

Posting is closed now!!!
You can check out who has won here!

299 Kommentare:

1 – 200 von 299   Neuere›   Neueste»
Janet hat gesagt…

These are all great!! Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.

Latharia hat gesagt…

What fun giveaways! I would love to have my name added into your drawing! Please visit my blog to see my giveaway, too!

latharia at comcast dot net

Anett hat gesagt…

Oh, ja ein Give Away!

Da mach ich doch gleich mit!

Und weil ich bald Blog-Geburtstag habe
und den 20.000 Besucher erwarte, mach ich auch ein Give Away. Ich stelle es heute Abend auf meinen Blog!

Herzliche Grüße Anett

Rebz hat gesagt…

Wow, I especially like the measuring tape house. So cute.
Please enter me in your drawing and feel free to hop over to my blog to enter for some home-made maple syrup.

Hanna hat gesagt…

Hallo Dagmar,
Leider gibt es hier das Magazin erst immer mi einer Woche Verspätung, abr ich warte schon gespannt darauf. Deine Give aways sind super -
liebe Grüße

Sherry Goodloe hat gesagt…

Oh what a happy person I would be to be the lucky recipient!! Please count me in for your OWOH giveaway prize. And when you get a chance, stop by and enter my giveaway as well :) I'm #73 GOT ART?

Anonym hat gesagt…

Please include me. Drop by mine, too

Veleta (Sammy) hat gesagt…

so adorable!

Anonym hat gesagt…

danke für deinen interessanten artikel- gern mache ich auch beim giveaway mit, vielleicht hab ich glück?!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Count me in! I'm also an OWOH participant :)


bluemuf hat gesagt…

Wonderful items. Please count me in.


Anonym hat gesagt…

I'd love to be a part of your drawing.

Please contact me by email.


Jeanie hat gesagt…

I'm thrilled to enter your getaway and was so lucky to be a winner last year! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Your giveaway is really awesome! Please count me in.

Bella Modiste hat gesagt…

GORGEOUS!!!!! Please enter me in your drawing! I’ll be making my OWOH post later tonight..time got away from me!
The Bella Modiste

Brandy hat gesagt…

I love the egyptian thimbles, please enter me into the drawing too. How generous of you to offer such great prizes.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Greetings from Cootie Bug in the USA. I collect thimbles so I am entering your giveaway contest with a wish that I might be a winner. hat gesagt…

Wonderful giveaway. Nice to meet you! If you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway ~ Rachael ~

Geri hat gesagt…

Thanks for the giveaway!!!! Great blog!

Trish hat gesagt…

Thanks for such a great giveaway!!! Love the house measuring tape. Very original!

Joanne Huffman hat gesagt…

Please enter me in your drawing. I invite you to visit my blog to enter my drawing


Dschrader hat gesagt…

Love your site and love your work. Please enter me in your drawing!
Donna Schrader

Andrea hat gesagt…

Hallo Dagmar,
danke für den Tipp. Dein Blog macht Spaß weiter so ;-D


FarbenFadenFreude hat gesagt…

Hallo Dagmar,
ich bin das erste Mal hier und sicher nicht das letzte MAl. Würde mich freuen, was zu gewinnen.
Bis bald

khhast hat gesagt…

rust dyed! How fabulous! Please enter me in your draw.

I have a OWOH giveaway too, pop on over and have a look:

stufenzumgericht hat gesagt…

Tolle Idee - tolle Preise - da muss ich dir doch einen Kommentar hinterlassen. Deine Tischsets sehen einfach wunderschön aus, absolut einmalig!!!
GlG, Martina

Jane O' hat gesagt…

Your giveaways are all great. I am a quilter and a thimble collector. Thank you for the chance to win.
I too am hosting OWOH. Stop by.

Quiltgirlie hat gesagt…

Das sind aber tolle Sachen, die Du verschenkst. Da bin ich doch dabei.
LG, Britta

Calines hat gesagt…

Hallo liebe Dagmar,

was für eine tolle Aktion und was für wundervolle Gewinne, besonders die Tischsets sind einmalig schön! Da versuche ich doch gerne mein Glück.

Bei mir gibt's demnächst auch ein Give-Away, hab im Februar den 1. Bloggeburtstag.

Liebe Grüße

Anonym hat gesagt…

Great artwork. Please count me in.

Alexandra hat gesagt…

Wunderschön. Bitte setz mich auf deine Liste. Alexandra

Anonym hat gesagt…

nince give away

please enter me in your drawing
and if you get a chance stop by mine at

This is my first year doing OWOH

carolyn h

Miri hat gesagt…

Thank you so much for your generosity. Please count me in! Thanks, Miri

Guilitta hat gesagt…

Hallo Dagmar,
Ich würde gerne in deinem Give away gewinnen. Bitte gib doch meinen namen dazu!


Lavendelhaus hat gesagt…

Giveaways sind doch was schönes. Bei mir gibt es auch bald wieder einen(im Februar).
LG Bianca

Ariane hat gesagt…

Hallo :) Vielen Dank für deinen netten Kommentar! Ich würde bei deiner Verlosung auch sehr gerne mitmachen - tolle sachen hast du da zu vergeben! Deine Rost Experimente gefallen mir auch super gut, das ist eine tolle Idee!!!
Alles Liebe,

Diane hat gesagt…

Fun giveaways! Please add me!

Anonym hat gesagt…

herzlichen dank für deinen besuch bei mir, deine giveaways sind ganz zauberhaft, würde nicht wählen wollen. schmeiss mich bitte auch in die lostrommel

Viola hat gesagt…

Klasse Teile, Dagmar! Und ich liebe Rost!Please count me in! :o)

sewfunky hat gesagt…

Please enter me in the draw to win... And don't forget to take a look at my giveaway too! :)

Marilyn hat gesagt…

Hi, Dagmar-
GREAT giveaways! I would love to add my name for a chance in your drawing...thank you!
Also, thanks for your visit to my blog:)

Kitty G hat gesagt…

These are wonderful items. Thanks for the chance to win

Leslie hat gesagt…

Great goodies! Love to be entered in your drawing, Leslie

carylsrealm hat gesagt…

How wonderful! I'd love to be entered! And please stop by my giveaway if you haven't! :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Cool goodies!! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks for participating, it makes it so fun to have so many places to visit. Do stop by and enter mine too.

Patti G. hat gesagt…

FUN and wonderful items! The measuring tape house is a hoot and the rusted place matts! Just great offerings! Please enter me and come play on mine too! #246

Unknown hat gesagt…

Look at those wonderful gifts you are sharing! I love the house shaped measuring tape! It is so cute!
For a chance to win some hand tatted lace come on over to my blog to enter whilst on your OWOH caravan travels. :)

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! hat gesagt…

Please enter me...m.

Lost Aussie hat gesagt…

Please add me to your list and feel free to enter my giveaway as well.

Artseyanne hat gesagt…

They are beautiful, please include me in your drawer.
Anne S

Doda hat gesagt…

Lovely prizes.
Please enter me into your giveaway!

(And drop by my blog and enter mine too! - It's a birdy brooch)

Pamela hat gesagt…

i love that tape measure! too cute!

Tumble Fish Studio hat gesagt…

Congratulations on your publication! Woohoo! Your blog and work are lovely! I really love the rusty pieces! Hope you can visit me too.

Maija hat gesagt…

Your stuff is wonderful! Please put my name in the hat!

~*~Patty S hat gesagt…

Oh My Dagmar, SO many wonderful prizes! Please oh please put my name in the hat for a chance to win one of your lovely giveaways!

Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122

Love your blog header too by the way!

burntofferings hat gesagt…

hi, this is wonderful, please enter us and come visit our blog and enter our drawing.

Lorraine hat gesagt…

I love your fabric art especially our little houses how clever

Pam Mattick Art and Stuff hat gesagt…

Thank you for your sweet comments and signing up at my blog :) Love your rusty work. It reminds me of the effects I get with coffee. Congratulations on your work in the magazine. How exciting. Please sign me up.

Digital Misfit hat gesagt…

I adore that wee house measuring tape!
I am visiting you from ON, Canada. Pop by my blog for a visit anytime!

trisha too hat gesagt…

these are great!
i especially like the mats.


please come visit my owoh at

SpiritMama hat gesagt…

That measuring tape is cute, cute, cute!!!
Thanks for including me in your drawing.

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Anonym hat gesagt…

That measuring tape is just the cutest... Please enter me. Be sure to enter my giveaway as well. Thank you and hello from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Unknown hat gesagt…

Ha! I LOVE it! A German Art blog! I'll definitely have to share this with my father in law who is German...

Love the rusted fabric pieces that you're doing... too cool! Rust is my FAVE!!!

come by if you'd like and i'll send you a free collage sheet!

Lisa W. hat gesagt…

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by. #223 :-)

Chrisy hat gesagt…

Thank you for your generosity!

Jocy hat gesagt…

Wow, deine Giveaways sehen toll aus, ich würde mich freuen, eines davon zu gewinnen.

Liebe Grüsse

Manuela hat gesagt…

Hallo Dagmar,
tolle Idee und tolleGiveaways. Da mache ich doch gerne mit.

The Giveaway Diva hat gesagt…

amazing!! I would love to be entered!!! thanks so much!

Sanja hat gesagt…

dein blog ist wunderschön.freu mich das ich ihm gefunden habe!
Liebe Grüße

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ hat gesagt…

Your giveaways are so cool! Please count me in and do stop at my blog during your travels for a chance to win my giveaway. Thanks!

stampgram hat gesagt…

Such lovely giveaways....I hope I win! :-) This is the first time I have heard about OWOH, but I love the idea of giving. I plan to do this next time too. Please enter me in your drawing.

Malissa hat gesagt…

All of your gifts are wonderful! Please enter me!

die Margarethenquilter hat gesagt…

Hallo Dagmar,
ist es Zufall, oder Schicksal. Ich sammle Maßbänder und Fingerhüte. Da würde ich mich natürlich riesig freuen, wenn ich unter den Gewinnerinnen wäre.
Liebe Grüße

Heike hat gesagt…

uuuuups, ich habe ja unter dem Blog meiner Patchwork-Gruppe veröffentlicht. Noch mal jetzt der richtige Blog.
LG Heike

The Whimsical Goblin hat gesagt…

What fun, count me in :)

Monique Kleinhans hat gesagt…


All your gifts are great! and it's always nice to meet a fellow quilter!
Thanks for entering my name in your drawing! Isn't One World One Heart fun!!?!
(number 94 on Lisa's List)

Anonym hat gesagt…

What a lovely giveaway - I would be delighted to win any of your three drawings! :) Please count me in!

Please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway!

Gerry hat gesagt…

Hello! Your give away items are so nice.

Please sing me up and be sure to visit my blog (#98) to enter.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Thank you for visiting my giveaway! I love all your treasures and would be proud to be the owner of one! Please enter my name in your giveaway!

donna joy hat gesagt…

these are great!
count me in!

Sophie hat gesagt…

Beautiful prizes. Sign me up.

AlwaysInspired hat gesagt…

Those placemats are great! Please sign me up.

Karen Klomparens, Glass Addict and Artisan hat gesagt…

Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you from the chilly Midwest!
Visit my blog too, Karen

Mel♥ hat gesagt…

How wonderful! Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.

3rdEyeMuse hat gesagt…

wonderful offerings! please add my name to your giveaway.

thank you & happy OWOH-ing!

Franny hat gesagt…

These are all wonderful, I am a collector of thimbles....I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before and I am amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Please enter me, Hugs:)

Anonym hat gesagt…

These are super.


peggy gatto hat gesagt…

Oh yes please!
thanks for coming by my place!

Jax hat gesagt…

The place mats are so cool! Please count me in and come stop my blog to check out my giveaway too!

Mary hat gesagt…

That is just the most adorable tape measure! Please enter me in your drawing.

bockel24 hat gesagt…

Super, Deine Geschenke, besonders die rostigen Sets und das Haus - ich liebe alles in Hausform! Bitte steck meinen Namen mit in die Lostrommel.

Kreativgeschwafel hat gesagt…

Das sieht klasse aus! Da bin ich dabei ;-)

Renee hat gesagt…

what an eclectic giveaway.


Smokeylady60 hat gesagt…

I thought I entered for your wonderful gift but I am doing it again as I do not see my name.
I am number 303 if you would like to enter and it is for a square blue dish.

Andrea Nicole Plotts hat gesagt…

Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love your blog and would love to participate in your giveaway. I just ADORE the items you've chosen! Thanks so much!

take care,

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! hat gesagt…

Wonderful prizes! :)

Dragonlady hat gesagt…

Great prizes for sure, enter me please, and i hope you can make t over to see my giveaway too..

Moniqui hat gesagt…

Oww great prizes!! Please enter me in the drawing and do visit mine if you havent already done so:)

Jennifer hat gesagt…

LOVE the place mats!

Please stop by #351 if you haven't already.

Sam hat gesagt…

I love those placemats and that little measuring house is tooo cute!! I would love to win them!

Unknown hat gesagt…

I adore the placemats! You are so talented! Melinda

JoAnnA Pierotti hat gesagt…

oh, i love your have a wonderful talent. Please see mine too at

thank you

Farmgirl Cyn hat gesagt…

Oh for heaven sake! I love your giveaway stuff! Please count me in!

Born in the year of the Dog hat gesagt…

Your fabric artwork is awesome and I hope some of it comes to my house. Thanks for sharing your art. Colleen

artbeckons hat gesagt…

cool stuff! please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433

Unknown hat gesagt…

Thank you for the great giveaway! I would love a chance to win.

:) Melissa

Connie hat gesagt…

what a generous giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing and come enter mine!
connie williams

HeARTworks hat gesagt…

Hi! I’m visiting from the Philippines. Wish I win! If you haven't already, drop by for a visit and join my raffle!

Carolee hat gesagt…

What a great giveaway! Your work is just wonderful....Please do count me in. :)

~ Carolee

gma hat gesagt…

Please put my name in your drawing. Also stop by and see my OWOH give away.

Rika hat gesagt…

♥ Was für tolle Sachen, da bin ich gern dabei!

please visit my blog to see my OWOH giveaway!

Cheryl hat gesagt…

I would love any of your terrific prizes. Please enter me! Thank you for visiting my blog. It is so much fun to travel the world!

Unknown hat gesagt…

What fun stuff! Thank you~

Connie Carpenter Macko hat gesagt…

great pieces! to have ine if your fabulous rust died items... wow! enter me please, and have fun visiting during OWOH!

AngieHallHaviland hat gesagt…

What a FUN event this is....making friends through ART is always WONDERFUL!! Please enter me in your drawing!!

Be sure to stop by my blog :O)

Linda M. Cain hat gesagt…

I adore the tape measurer! Count me in please!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wonderful giveaways! Please include me ~

Kara hat gesagt…

These are wonderful! thanks for the chance to win. ~Kara

Heather Robinson hat gesagt…

What generous and very unique giveaways. I am so intrigued by the rust dyed quilt. Thank you so much for your generosity and for sharing your artistry.

uniquecommodities hat gesagt…

Count me in! Feel free to check out my OWOH give away

Anonym hat gesagt…

OOOOOH, I love that measuring tape! Please enter me in your drawing. I am having a giveaway too!

Laurie in Maine hat gesagt…

I'm exploring the World today! Would love to be entered in your giveaway :)

Lorenza hat gesagt…

I'm a thimble collector, so count me in the drawing!

Coralie Cederna Johnson hat gesagt…

Wonderful items for your generous giveaway! Please add my name to your drawing!

Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.

Rhondi hat gesagt…

Great giveaway. I'm a quilter too. Come visit me.

graham hanks hat gesagt…

Thanks for visiting my blog and please enter my name

Tami hat gesagt…

I love your give-aways, thank you for sharing!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Guten Tag und danke for visiting my blog - love the way you rust things and create items. Congratulations on being published too...
Please include me in your wonderful draw x

Unknown hat gesagt…

Pick me, Pick me, lovely items. Tonya #423

jet1960 hat gesagt…

If my post shows up more than once please ignore. I'm having a little trouble with blogger.

I love your rust experiments! How cool! I would love to win any of your wonderful prizes! Thanks for the chance to win and for stopping by my blog.


Jenn Milt Art hat gesagt…

all these items are wayy cool!

please enter me and feel free to enter my giveaway, i'm 486.

Belinda Manning hat gesagt…

I am so in love with your blog! How long does it take to get a good rust print? Your Christmas cards were not only beautiful, but a example of love and patience. And thank You for sharing your view of Egypt. Your photos are beautiful. I really loved the Indigo!

Our Hands For Hope hat gesagt…

This is beautiful. I am having so much fun, but having a hard time getting to everyone! Not enough minutes in the day. I'll be back.
'running with scissors'

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wow! Great stuff.
I have a thing for rust.
Thanks for visiting, and thanks for counting me in to your giveaway.

Dawn hat gesagt…

Thanks for adding my name to your draw.
~ Dawn

Visit my blog
Gypsy Caravan #539
ART of Humungous Proportions

the inspired, herself hat gesagt…

wonderful stuff! please enter me. and thanks for entering my OWOH giveaway!

Linda S. Socha hat gesagt…

Beautiful ALL Please enter me into this lovely drawing and thank you for having it

Pink Elephant Soapery hat gesagt…

Thanks for participating! Love visiting all the blogs and getting to know new friends. Stop by mine when you have a moment for my give-a-way. I am #554 on the list.

Liv hat gesagt…

Your giveaway is great! I love all three of the prizes... I would love to have my name added to the drawing!
Thank you so much!
All the best,

gloomy_liv AT yahoo DOT com DOT au

turquoise cro hat gesagt…

Here I am!!! Would LOVE to win!! Please come by for my give-away too! I'm #185 stop on the gypsy caravan!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Yes! enter my name in your giveaway... Come by for my giveaway too!

Anonym hat gesagt…

please add me to your draw

lawatha hat gesagt…

Thank you for entering my giveaway. I would love to win yours. The rust dyed pieces are uniquely wonderful. Please enter me in the drawing.

Thank you!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth hat gesagt…

What a wonderful giveaway. I love the rust dyed pieces and the tape measure is to die for.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Kate Robertson hat gesagt…

These are wonderful gifts, please include me in your drawing. Its nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by at my blog.


WendyP hat gesagt…

your giveaways are awesome.
especially love the tape measure holder.
hope you will stop by my blog and enter my giveaway too

LiLi M. hat gesagt…

Thanks for dropping by at my blog and entering my give away. You have some fab prizes over here. Please count me in. Nice to meet you!

Sara hat gesagt…

First of all, congratulations on having your article published recently!
This is my first year participating in OWOH (#258...thanks for visiting recently!). I'm enjoying visiting all the talented people involved.
I would love to win one of your giveaways...please enter me in your draws! Thanks.

Msquared hat gesagt…

I would love to win one of your giveaways.
Thanks for having it.

Diane hat gesagt…

Beautiful art. Please add me. Thanks for stopping by my blog also.

martha brown hat gesagt…

Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much! I'm off now to look around your blog!

Maggie R hat gesagt…

Love your blog...and your give aways are awesome...So happy to be part of
One World One Heart. Such a wonderful opportunity to meet new blogging
friends.."Pick Me!!!!"

waving from Cold, Snowy, Southern Ontario, Canada

Anonym hat gesagt…

Oh I love the thimbles! What a treasure those are! I would love to win. Thank you so much for the chance!

Unknown hat gesagt…


What beautiful things you have for your giveaway. I would be so thrilled to have this in my home. I have enjoyed reading your blog, and will be back:)

Please enter me in your giveaway, and pop over to my blog to enter mine if you get time.

Wooly hugs,

Mimi Head hat gesagt…

Thanks for stopping my blog and entering the drawing. Please add my name to your growing list! It's a wonderful give away you have. Yours, Emily

Robin hat gesagt…

What wonderful giveaways. Those placemats are wonderful!!
Please include me in your giveaway and thanks for stopping by and entering mine!!

KKJD1 hat gesagt…

Wow what great goodies! Please add my name to your list! Blessings, karen

Gretchen M hat gesagt…

Hi Dagmar, I remember visiting your blog last year for the big event. Glad you dropped by to toss your name into the hat.

Marilee Rockley hat gesagt…

These are all beautiful prizes! Please enter me in your giveaway. And thank you for the very nice comment you made on my giveaway post at

Twisted Hare hat gesagt…

Great prizes, please add me to the list of hopefulls.
Rust dying, how cool is that..i've never heard of it before.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by Twisted Hare.

Linda East hat gesagt…

Oh wow Dagmar...I would love to have any of the gifts that you are giving away..please enter my name. Thank you for visiting my blog. Your blog is awesome...congrats on being published..that is great.

Create & Share

Linda (icy Okla)

Sharon House hat gesagt…

Does having the last name of House give me extra luck? Maybe....

Please enter my name in your giveaway. Would love to win this prize! Fingers crossed LOL


Anonym hat gesagt…

Cute! The tape measure house is to sweet.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)


Jeanie hat gesagt…

Oh, Dagmar! Please do enter me into your drawing! Everything is so beautiful!

Nimia Gamo hat gesagt…

Wonderful! Count me in please. Thanks for visiting my site.

lori hat gesagt…

Howdy Dagmar, it's nice to meet you! I really love that measuring tape.

Janice hat gesagt…

What great prizes. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Cathie hat gesagt…

What an interesting blog. Thank you for translating it into English for us English Speakers so we can share your passions! I love all your little goodies and would be so happy to win one. Please add my name, and come over to my blog - I'm in OWOH too. I've got some fibery goodies.

Teresa Abajo hat gesagt…

Your rusting is wonderful. I'd love to learn to do that one day.

Islandgirl hat gesagt…

please enter me in your OWOH giveaway! and thank you for entering mine! Glad your post is in English my German is very rusty!

Birgit hat gesagt…

Hallo Dagmar,

ganz tolle Preise -- einfach super! :)

Gruß aus München,

Mimi hat gesagt…


Please enter me in your drawing & stop by and enter mine :0)

OWOH #640

Have a great night!

Jamie Lott hat gesagt…

Hi! Please sign me up for you fun giveaway! Come by and visit me, too. I'm #462 on the gypsy caravan!

Jamie ~ Savannah, Georgia (USA)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Please enter me in your competition, and stop by my blog to enter mine.

Jona Panesa hat gesagt…

gorgeous giveaway. loved them all. please enter me in your giveaway! thanks.

Sarahlé hat gesagt…

Funny =) You seem to be very talented! Please count me in, I would be delighted to have one :)
Many thanks to you, have a nice day


nfmgirl hat gesagt…

How nice! Please include me!

Linda Vincent hat gesagt…

Great prizes Dagmar - please put my name in the hat. Thank you for visiting me.

acereta hat gesagt…

Beautiful quilts. And I also collect souvenir thimbles, please count me in.

Debra hat gesagt…

I love the rust dying- how unique! sign me up and thanks for entering my giveaway.

Rice hat gesagt…

It's nice to see you participating again. Great items. Please include me. Thanks for visiting my blog and entering mine.

Kathy L hat gesagt…

Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog. Your work is lovely. Please enter me in your give away.


Lilla hat gesagt…

aloha from the Islands,
I love rusted things. Myself included! Thanks for adding me to the drawing, love the quiltie thins you make.
aloha Lilla

Corryna hat gesagt…

Thank you for visiting my blog. I like your blog a lot and your work.

Maggie hat gesagt…

How wonderful and generous your gifts are!

Thanks for visiting my site.

crafty creations hat gesagt…

What a fantastic giveaway - please enter me for your draw and pop over and enter mine

Nice to meet you

Anonym hat gesagt…

These are very nice gifts...please enter me into you draw...thank you


Anonym hat gesagt…

Wonderful items, please enter me in your sweet giveaway.

Anonym hat gesagt…

da muss ja mitmachen, noch dazu wo ich am 12.2. Geburtstag habe.
Vielleicht hab ich ja mal Glück und ich gewinne etwas.

Liebe Grüße

Its Meow or Never Animal Rescue hat gesagt…

I love your blog, very nice items. Can't wait until I can go through it better. I would love to be entered into this give away.

For the animals,

Beth hat gesagt…

How fun! What neat giveaways! Please count me in.

bethxs at yahoo dot com
#740 in the Caravan

Virpi hat gesagt…

Oh, that house shaped measuring tape is so cute! Please count me into your draw.

Ellen hat gesagt…

these are great i love the little houses so clever I might even start to like sewing if I win it.

tisme hat gesagt…

You have great prizes, would love any of them. I like to do different types of quilting. Mostly crazy quilting and am slowly getting into art type quilt wall minis.

The Joy of Nesting hat gesagt…

First congratulations on your article about rust dyeing being published!!

Thank you so much for stopping by to register for one OWOH give away!! Yours are all very creative and beautiful!

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mexico

Renata Pacheco hat gesagt…

What a great giveaway! I’d love to win. Please, enter me in your drawing. I’m participating in OWOH too. If you have some time (and if you didn’t do it yet), please, stop by my blog to see my giveaways. I’m #611 on Lisa’s list. Greetings from Brazil!

Brenda hat gesagt…

Very nice, please enter my name (#574)

Just Jenn Designz hat gesagt…

Wow, what wonderful gifts. Please add me into your drawings. Thanks, Jenn

Wanda hat gesagt…

Please enter me in your drawing. Thank you. TTFN

s hyler hat gesagt…

What a wonderful giveaway. It is so nice to meet you during this event.
Have a wonderful day,

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