Linda Hibbert of Silver Linings Originals, who in my opinion is one of the greatest Paper Piecing Pattern designers, has launched a new BoM in January. The theme this year is: Treasures from the West. I just started with the January block, Cowboy Boot.
Außerdem kann ich, da ja heute der letzte Tag des Monats ist, meine Blöckchen zeigen, die ich für die Hasenbach Challenge genäht habe.
In addition, now that another month is over, I can show you the blocks that I have sewn for the Hasenbach Challenge.
Eisvogel |
Tagpfauenauge |
Eigentlich hatte ich ja keine Stoffe aus der neuesten Tula Pink-Kollektion kaufen wollen, aber als mir die Elizabeth dann zufällig in die Hände gefallen ist, konnte ich dann doch nicht widerstehen ;-) Dies sind die City-Sampler-Blöcke für diese Woche.
Initially I didn't have the intention to buy fabric from the latest Tula Pink Collection, but when I accidently stumbled upon Elizabeth, I could not resist ;-) These are the City Sampler blocks for this week.
Tula Pink's City Sampler Block #90 |
Tula Pink's City Sampler Block #91 |
Since my birthday I am still unpacking small egg-shaped packages from Waltraud each day. In addition to an Elongated Coin and all the thimbles from Australia now I got some from Austria and Luxembourg.